emmavickylee 发表于 2011-6-9 09:13:00


Dear Emma Lee,
thanks for email and comments as under.
we are glad to have a good supplier like you and hope to make a good
long term business relation with you soon.
we have check the spec and picture and are ready to make a good long
lasting business relation with you soon.
The price you have quoted us is Little hight our order quantity is
2500pcs so kindly you confirm the price again.
Please you also let us know the brand nameand warranty period.
How you cover the warranty.
We would like to visit you and see your factory physically so for this
purpose we need your support. Could you arrange the approved visa
letter for us so that we can send your our passport detail.
await ur repyl.
Mr Tahir Inayat
Chief Excutive
Tahir & Sons Enterprises/Kalsoom Enterprises Ltd
NO.2,Malvia St. Awais Qurni Rd.
Tel: (0092 42) 7213547
Fax: (0092 42) 7229410
E-mail: hinaent@hotmail.com

emmavickylee 发表于 2011-6-9 09:16:00

Dear Amber,
thanks for email and your   efforts our comments as under.
we sincerely hope that now we have a good partner like and hope our relation will go longer and longer.,
we have check your for all models and will accepted   without bargaining and hope u can supply me your best quality to us regularly and i assure you that i will give you good long term business. please be noted that we required the shoes models as per following sizes.
FP-055-2   size 36
DSC06823   size 36
FP-035-2   size 36
HX-G0005   size 38
HX-G0194   size 38
GS-07-067   size 42
please be noted that we want the above models as per mentioned sizes.
Regarding the photo of sandal and sleeper which is not open so kindly u send these picture as ms word file so that we can easily check and confirm u.
please u also confirm ur brand name.
await ur reply.
Dear Amber,
thanks for email and sorry for delay reply due to business trip.
Please be noted that now a days we are very much busy and travell my other cities office every week that is why i am delay to response u but u do not worried for that when i return from the visit i will reply u.
Yes i received ur performa invoice of shoese and also get the picture of sandal. we are very much itnerested in all models of sandal in size 36 so kindly you let us know the prices and also please be noted that we need ur all samples in hand and want to visit my other branches with your samples so kindly you arrange the full pairs samples of shoes and sandal and send us by ems so that we can get ur samples quickly and will calculate the totall quantity of order for per year and inform u without delay of time.
Please be noted that without having ur support i can do anythings and your support is most important for us.
HOpe u can think about it deeply and let us know.
await ur reply.
Dear Amber,
thanks for email and sorry for late reply.
As for the samples my dear as i explain to you before that we have a nationwide branches so we must have ur full pairs set in hand not one pcs samples ok you keep in mind.
We are sending the attached file of samples required u please arrange these show sample as per sizes and also arrange the full pairs of sandal four models in size 36 to 38 and send all samples together to mentioned address on Pi.
We have already accepted ur prices for all models so you do not worried for that i do not asked about the prices again these prices are confirmed.
Please u send the samples to us as early as possible by ur post office and you don't forget to write the value only $10 for all models and mentioned Gift so that we can released your samples without delay of time and start our business.
As for the samples charges my dear u know that our order quantity is not too much low and also keep in mind that we want to make a good long term business relation with u not one or two time maybe i can singe a contract with u after see your samples.
please u also confirm can u arrange the approved visa letter for us. this letter approved from ur forieng affair department. If yes then i can give u our passport detail and u can arrange letter accordingly.
after getting ur samples i will arrange visit and finalized the contract with u face to face and paid a cash amount for the orders.
PLease do not delay more i need ur samples before 20th of this month.
Dear Amber,
thanks for email and comments as under.
Regarding the matter of samples my dear u know and i know that in the market people can't trust blindly and they can't give the blind orders to anyone i discuss with my many of dealers but the insist me to see ur samples of full pairs that is why i requested u to please arrange the full pairs samples and send us by ur local post office which is not much expensive. I beleive u and see your sincerety that is why i keep in touch with u and clear every thing before starting our relation because i want to deal with u on honest basis and long term basis.
You also keep in mind that u not only to bear the charges i am also bearing its duties and marketing charges myself which is also very much higher i do this only for making a good long term business relation with u.   If u can't support me then how i can start our long term relation.
Now i leave this matter on u. It is totally upto u to beleive us and support us or not in the start of relation.
In the end we are sending u our passport detail as follows.
Tahir Inayat
Passport Number:       AE1740801
Issue date:         11-08-2005
Expiry date:         10-08-2010
Place of issue:       Lahore, Pakistan
Maratab Ali
Passport Number:   KC 313523
Issue date:         07-08-2003
Expiry date:         06-08-2008
Place of issue:   Lahore, Pakistan
Tahir Mehmood:
Passport Number : AVO 155801
Issue date:         06-10-2006
Expiry date:       05-10-2011
Place of issue:   Lahore, Pakistan
Company Detail As under.
MTM Trading Co.,
28/44, Kabir St. Urdu Bazar, Lahore, Pakistan
Tel: 0092-42-7229410, 7229370
Fax: 0092-42-7220885
Email: mutc@brain.net.pk and tahir1@brain.com.pk
Please U arrange the apporved visa letter for the above person and send us by courier to the above company address so that we can get the visa and informed u our visit plan. PLease be noted that we must need ur approved visa letter which is approved from ur forieng affair department alongwith your company invitation letter.
Your early reply would be highly appreciated.
await ur reply.
MTM Trading Co/Maratab Stationer

Danny0226 发表于 2011-7-5 23:56:00

lx也做鞋吗? 我也做鞋的~ 最近也是遇到一个巴基斯坦的客户,说要邀请函。先是邮件往来,然后还视频或者语音聊了两次,说他每个月能拿多少货,有多少客户,多少店什么的,然后就要免费的样品,还说下个月要来中国,来我们公司看了就会下单之类的,让我们发邀请函,然后很快就把护照扫描件,家庭信息,还有一个叫“Taxpayer Registration Certificate”文件发过来了。
这个有没有可能也是同样的骗子啊? 不知道该不该给邀请函。请问lz怎么处理这样的? 不给的话,是怎么拒绝的? 谢谢~
[ 本帖最后由 Danny0226 于 2011-7-5 23:57 编辑 ]

兵家语录 发表于 2011-7-6 16:28:00


viviancscn 发表于 2017-3-27 14:17:00


轻轻宝贝2012 发表于 2017-6-12 10:33:00

我也是,然后回复他说 他的行为已经被揭穿了 进入了我们中国供应商的黑名单了

失控的风火轮 发表于 2017-6-14 14:23:00


hnlglh2008 发表于 2018-12-30 22:24:00

QUOTE:原帖由 emmavickylee 于 2011-6-9 09:13 发表

Dear Emma Lee,
thanks for email and comments as under.
we are glad to have a good supplier like you and hope to make a good
long term busine ...
这个客人在联系我要样品,订单数量还不小,看着巴基斯坦的 心理没底 来中国搜一下。
这个天真的骗子 这么多年 名字跟地址都不改一下。。。
也可能有人一直被骗 希望不要有人再被骗了。。。。
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