vip 发表于 2019-10-18 10:17:00

主要产品 bike 和 outdoor ,采购主管 Michael Benner

Michael Benner has been with the company since 2005 and is responsible for internetstores’ entire Bike & Outdoor purchasing division. He’s also heavily involved in the sourcing and development of our own brands and products. Michael’s many years of industry experience in sales and product development speak for themselves. Before his time at Internetstores, Michael was active with branded companies and manufacturers and therefore has a broad and in-depth product and process know-how in the bike and outdoor sector.

vip 发表于 2019-10-18 10:38:00

号称欧洲最大的运动品类 电商
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 推荐一个运动类产品的欧洲电商-internetstores